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10 Core Traits Your Litigation Lawyer Should Have

10 Core Traits Your Litigation Lawyer Should Have

Litigation lawyers fight for their clients in court and represent people in a wide variety of cases. GLG LLP litigation lawyers have both experience and skills to win your case, but if we look deeper — it’s not all just about expertise, certification, or a track record of successful cases. All the crucial traits are hidden deep in the psychology and personality of the lawyer.

What Litigation Lawyers Do

Litigation lawyers are interested in the legal process of taking a case to court. Litigation lawyers have advocates, and they work to make sure their clients win the cases. Here’s what litigation lawyers do:

Core Traits of a Litigation Lawyer

After studying which traits most litigation lawyers have, we found these are some core characteristics they all share:

Confidence  — It is one of the most important traits in a litigation lawyer! No matter how complex the case is, you need to show confidence to your client. Your client will feel more secure knowing that you are an expert in your field. Your client will trust your professional skills and judgment.

Compassion  — Litigation lawyers need to have feelings for their clients, as well as for others. We must understand the problems of others to help them out. A litigation lawyer must be ready to take on a heavy burden for a client’s injustice and help them.

Communication Skills  — It is a very important trait for a litigation lawyer because communication is a vital skill in the legal profession. Litigation lawyers work to reach agreement and solution with clients.

Creative Problem Solving  — The main focus of litigation lawyers is to find a solution for clients. Litigation lawyers need to think creatively in working out solutions that suit clients or other parties in the case. Their main challenge is to understand the problem and identify alternative solutions.

Habit of Knowing When to Ask for Help  — It is very important to know when it’s time to seek help from others. Litigation lawyers are used to negotiating and solving cases by themselves, and sometimes they may get trapped into a situation where there is no other option but to ask them for help from other parties involved in the case.

Knowledge of the Legal Process  — Litigation lawyers need to feel comfortable with lawyers and court officers. They should be well aware of the legal process and know about procedures that are necessary for a case to proceed.

Loyalty/Sticking Together  — Litigation lawyers bond together as a team. They stick together through every case and through each trial, because they know they can count on each other which makes them confident to handle complex cases in front of judges and opposing counsels. Litigation lawyers must have loyalty to each other.

Not Too Much Talking  — When in a court, you have to be able to convey your idea with little words. Litigation lawyers need to learn how to express themselves in the limited time, so they will know what to say and what not.

Patience  — Litigation lawyers need patience when working with their clients. They stand by their clients through thick and thin of trials and negotiations. Litigation lawyers are patient to work with their clients and to control the job as required.

Personal Integrity  — Litigation lawyers must be trusted by everyone involved in a case. Litigation lawyers must be able to be honest with clients and other parties in the case. The litigation lawyer must make sure they are telling the truth to protect the client’s interest. It is important that they do not lie or cheat other parties involved in the case, otherwise it will cause mistrust between them.

How to Tell Whether Your Lawyer is Good

It’s hard to detect half of these skills at first sight. You have to be an experienced psychologist yourself to identify the traits of one’s character, let alone see through a professional litigation lawyer’s intended image. Most of the time, you’ll see only what they want you to see. Luckily, being truly compassionate, caring, and honest, is way easier than faking it, so the majority of litigation lawyers unleash their masterful communication skills only at court, when your case depends on it, and treat you — as a client — with honesty.

There’s no way to be sure, but you have a secret weapon: intuition. If you feel that your lawyer is not really on your side — run and hire a new one as soon as possible. Your lawyer should be a reliable, trustworthy professional, not someone you can’t trust.

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