The pain never stops. If you think that the empty shelves we’re seeing are quite distressing and that food prices are extremely expensive right now, just wait until the winter begins.
This winter is going to be very difficult for all of us.
In this video, we compile the signs that show how bad things are going to be.
The food crisis that is unfolding before our eyes is getting worse by the day. Global food supplies were already tight in the past few years, but the food that wasn’t produced in 2022 means that we’re going to be hit by even harder challenges in the next few months.
At this point, worldwide fertilizer prices have quadrupled, several countries started banning exports of essential commodities, tens of millions of chickens and turkeys have disappeared from the system, our domestic beef cattle herd has dramatically shrunk, and crazy weather patterns have resulted in the destruction of millions of acres of crops all over the planet.
We haven’t even seen the worst of food shortages and price increases yet, but around the World food banks are already reaching a breaking point. All over the countries, food banks are struggling to keep up with the increased demand they’re experiencing.
The rising cost of food and fuel is creating a situation as precarious for people trying to feed their families as it was during the pandemic.
Inflation is devastating the budgets of families, the elderly and those barely surviving, and is driving more and more people to turn to food banks on a daily basis.
There is a risk of food shortages in the UK this winter, experts say, as drought and high petrol prices put pressure on farmers.
While growers who use glasshouses are either not sowing or waiting until spring when there are more daylight hours, the crops that would usually have sustained the country during fallow periods, such as cabbages, carrots and potatoes, are likely to have reduced yields because of the drought.
The fruit and vegetable sector is undoubtedly in crisis, many growers have suffered a 20% reduction in crop production this year and most growers anticipate further reductions next year. Without immediate and concerted action by governments, we can expect to see growing businesses go bust and shortages on supermarket shelves.
It can no longer be hidden or denied. Global warming is boosting extreme weather events at a staggering rate.
Man-made climate collapse is accelerating the toll of extreme weather across the globe. People around the world are losing their lives and livelihoods to heat waves, floods, forest fires and increasingly deadly and frequent droughts caused by the climate crisis.
A survey by a leading NGO found that inflation and supply chain problems are taking a heavy toll on food banks, with 70% of their members reporting that food donations are down, while operating costs have risen by 95%.
It is a confluence of many catastrophes affecting our food supply chains at once, and the most worrying thing is that, according to experts, we have not yet seen the worst.
Food shortages are a reality, not a theory, and people should start preparing while they can.
Industry executives are explicitly telling us that food prices will not come down any time soon, and the convergence of all these factors is creating a “perfect storm” for food inflation in both the short and long term.
So, if you still have a job, take advantage of this precious opportunity to stockpile food before the economy cracks much harder.
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