Emotions will inevitably be through the roof when a marriage no longer works. Anxiety, pain, and sometimes even anger can get the best of you, making it difficult to think logically. However, overcoming these emotions is necessary as there are important proceedings you must face. The most significant among these is the divorce process. This step is crucial to end your marriage officially. It also entails significant decisions about property division, child custody, and other related matters.
In light of these complexities, choosing the right divorce lawyer from Scottsdale’s premier divorce law firm, among others, is vital to help you navigate these challenging times. Divorce is a legal proceeding that strongly benefits from the expertise of a skilled attorney. But, before hiring a lawyer, you should ensure you have conducted thorough interviews with potential candidates and ask all the necessary questions.
Here are a few of the most important questions you’ll want to ask.
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How Often Will The Communication Be?
If an attorney struggles to answer these questions, it can signal potential communication problems in the future. Effective and open communication between you and your lawyer might be slim or even impossible.
This could be due to various reasons. For instance, the attorney may be too busy to devote sufficient time to individual client communication. Also, they might not prioritize taking the necessary steps to foster good communication.
Given how overwhelming a divorce already is, the last thing you’d want is to add to the stress with a lawyer that’s so hard to reach. You must know that there are lawyers who practice good communication with their clients, so don’t settle for one who doesn’t. The more complex your case is, the higher the need for constant communication. If a divorce lawyer can’t give you this, you’re better off looking for another one instead.
How Many Divorce Cases Have You Already Handled?
Having an idea of the lawyer’s previous caseload gives a better picture of their experience. Getting a divorce is tough enough already. You don’t want to make things harder by picking a lawyer who doesn’t seem sure or doesn’t know enough to handle your divorce properly.
Remember, from the time you hire one, your divorce lawyer now represents you. With your approval, they decide on long-term legal repercussions and financial matters and, most importantly, lead you to the best possible outcome of your divorce.
How Do You Keep Files Secure?
In this day and age of identity theft, it’s not surprising how clients are becoming more concerned about what happens to the information they share with anybody. A confidentiality agreement with their client binds lawyers but note that information leakage doesn’t just come from the lawyer’s mouth. It can also stem from a breach in the divorce lawyer’s file and data system, particularly if what they’re using isn’t equipped with the necessary safeguards.
Most divorce cases involve financial issues, so clients must submit documents relating to bank records, social security numbers, and other private information. It gives added peace of mind when you know precisely what safety measures the lawyer practices to guarantee that their clients’ files are always safe.
What Is The Divorce Process Like?
If this is your first time navigating a divorce, then it’s normal to have questions that point out what the divorce process is like. The specifics of the proceeding can often differ based on the circumstances of the case, but the flow is basically the same. Therefore, a good divorce lawyer can help clarify that early on.
For example, couples with children will have a more complicated divorce process than those without. In the former, couples have so much more to consider, like child custody, visitation rights, and child support, among others.
Having an idea of the divorce process helps iron out any gray areas so that right after that first meeting, you already know what to expect regarding the flow.
What Is Your Fee System?
Divorce lawyers charge differently. Some usually charge by billable hours. This means you’re paying for the lawyer every time they study, research, and work on anything related to your case. Others charge a fixed fee. This means as soon as you hire them, you’ll sign a contract as to the amount, which is often divided into multiple payments as the case progresses.
Understanding the divorce lawyer’s fee system allows you to choose one based on what you can afford. Don’t be shy to haggle if it’s out of the budget. If you’re lucky, some lawyers are willing to meet at a specific price point that’s a win-win for you both.
Final Thoughts
The first meeting with a divorce lawyer is always tricky; there really is no better way to sugarcoat this. It’s natural to arrive at that first meeting confused, at a loss as to what to do, or feeling stressed and apprehensive. However, despite all those emotions, try to keep your composure to the best of your ability. That first meeting is crucial to a smooth and seamless divorce process. Expect many questions from the lawyer, and be ready with yours, too. While the specifics vary from case to case, the questions above apply to anyone looking to hire a divorce lawyer.