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Why Atlanta Busy Highways Report Higher Numbers of Car Accidents

Car Accidents

Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, is renowned for its vibrant culture, economic prosperity, and rapid urban growth. However, alongside these remarkable attributes, Atlanta faces a significant challenge regarding car accidents on its busy highways. This blog explores the reasons behind this issue, shedding light on factors that can help you better understand and address the problem.

Distracted Driving

According to the Dangerous Roads in Atlanta, most crashes result dangerous roads and intersections in Metro Atlanta. Distracted driving due to the widespread use of smartphones, is also amajor casue of car crashes. Drivers are often tempted to engage in activities such as texting and browsing social media while behind the wheel. These distractions divert attention from the road and significantly increase the risk of accidents.

Aggressive Driving Behavior

Aggressive driving behavior is another factor contributing to the huge number of car accidents in Atlanta. The stress and frustration associated with heavy traffic cause road rage, aggressive maneuvers, and reckless driving. Also, tailgating, frequent lane changes, and failure to yield are common behaviors that can result in collisions, endangering the aggressive driver and others sharing the road.


Fatigue is a state of extreme tiredness or exhaustion that affects a person’s physical and mental abilities. Most drivers in Atlanta drive under significant fatigue, limiting reaction times and the ability to focus and make sound judgments. This makes them more prone to missing important cues on the road, such as traffic signs, thus causing collisions.

Inadequate Infrastructure

Atlanta’s rapid growth has outpaced its infrastructure development, including its highway system. Many of the city’s highways with considerably lower traffic volumes were designed decades ago. As a result, these roads struggle to accommodate the current traffic demands. This leads to bottlenecks, inadequate merging lanes, and confusing interchanges that increase the likelihood of accidents.

Poor Road Conditions

The state of the road surfaces and maintenance also plays a role in the high number of accidents on Atlanta’s highways. Frequent use, harsh weather conditions, and poor upkeep contribute to potholes, cracks, and uneven pavement. These road defects surprise drivers, leading to sudden swerving or loss of control, causing accidents, particularly at higher speeds.

Which are the Busiest Highways in Atlanta?

Numerous highways in Atlanta make navigating smooth. However, not all roads are secure. Below are some of the most dangerous streets that record significant crashes annually.

Also known as the Perimeter, I-285 encircles the city and serves as a major route for traffic around Atlanta. It connects several other major highways and experiences heavy congestion, particularly during rush hours.

I-85 is a major north-south highway that passes through Atlanta. It connects the city to neighboring states and is heavily traveled, especially around downtown Atlanta and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

I-20 is an east-west highway that passes through Atlanta. It connects the city to other major cities like Birmingham, Alabama, and Columbia, South Carolina. I-20 can becomes heavily congested, particularly near downtown Atlanta.

I-75 runs from the northwest to the southeast of Atlanta. It is another major highway that experiences heavy traffic, particularly around downtown Atlanta.

Final thoughts

Atlanta’s busiest highways experience a significant number of car accidents due to various reasons, including heavy traffic congestion, distracted driving, aggressive behavior, etc. Recognizing these factors can allow policymakers and law enforcement agencies to develop measures to minimize accidents and enhance road safety.

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